Academic Projects
@ Cambridge

Thesis and coursework projects during my graduate studies at the University of Cambridge.
If the code/report is not provided and you would like access, please contact me.

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Embedded Real-Time Activity Recognition

Embedded Systems for the Internet of Things coursework. Implemented an algorithm in C on a lightweight micro-controller and IMU to quantify the probability of walking activities.
  • Developed in C on a FRDM KL03 micro-controller with an MMA8451Q accelerometer, optimising for space by stripping excess boot code and implementing real-time parameter updates.
  • My algorithm successfully differentiated between walking, jogging, and running based on stride duration probabilities, though it needs tuning to better distinguish jogging and running.
  • Utilised Gaussian distributions for stride timing with dynamic variance updates via Welford's algorithm and efficient CDF calculations using the Abramowitz and Stegun approximation.
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    Temperature and Pulse Sensors

    Sensor Design Project. Implemented and calibrated a temperature and pulse sensor. Raw electronics implemented on an Arduino, real-time signal processing in C, data analysis in Python.
  • Employed Arduino for real-time processing in C and data analysis in Python, using thermistors and photoplethysmography (PPG) for enhanced sensor functionality.
  • Achieved a 43.2% increase in temperature measurement accuracy through calibration of thermistors.
  • Implemented a custom real-time heart rate detection algorithm using peak-finding techniques to provide immediate user feedback.
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    Bayesian Optimisation for PPO

    Machine Learning and the Physical World coursework. Led a group project using Python to automatically tune PPO's hyperparameters using Bayesian Optimisation.
  • Automatically tuned the hyperparameters for Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) for the Cartpole problem using Bayesian Optimisation, demonstrating more efficient convergence over random search.
  • Developed in Python using Gymnasium for simulation, Stable Baselines3 for PPO, and GPyOpt for Bayesian Optimisation, focusing on critical hyperparameters like the learning rate and entropy coefficient.
  • Employed Gaussian Process surrogates with Matern52 and periodic kernels, achieving optimal performance through the Expected Improvement acquisition function.
  • Varied neural network architectures to measure the importance of PPO's actor and critic.
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    Probabilistic Ranking & Latent Dirichlet Allocation Model

    Probabilistic Machine Learning courseworks. One on TrueSkill / probabilistic ranking, the other on topic modelling / the LDA model.
  • Understood and implemented advanced statistical algorithms in MATLAB.
  • Evaluated convergence of the collapsed Gibbs sampler and LDA models.
  • Achieved a grade A- for both courseworks.